Department Details
Branch: Engineerings
Department: Electrical Engineering (Electronic and communication) Department
Location: C Building

Publication Details
Staff Member NameEng. Mohammed Mohie El Dain Shahin
Publication NameM. M. Shaheen, N. M. Mahmoud, M. A. Ali, M. E. Nasr, and A. H. Hussein. "Implementation of a Highly Selective Microstrip Diplexer with Low Insertion Loss Using Square Open-Loop Resonators and a T-Junction Combiner." Radioengineering, vol. 31, no. 3, pp
Publication DescriptionM. M. Shaheen, N. M. Mahmoud, M. A. Ali, M. E. Nasr, and A. H. Hussein.
"Implementation of a Highly Selective Microstrip Diplexer with Low Insertion Loss
Using Square Open-Loop Resonators and a T-Junction Combiner." Radioengineering,
vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 357-361, 2022.