Department Details
Branch: Engineerings
Department: Architecture Engineering Department
Location: G Building

Research Details
Staff Member NameDr . Basem Mohammed Al Said Kandiel
Research DescriptionThe parametric design was described as a new approach to architectural design on the concept of determinants generated with the digital system and its programs, the research problem is the unclear understanding of the parametric term, and the apparent contradiction in parametric design word, as well as the change in the role of the designer, who became very confused between the study of architecture and programming, although, scientists differed as to whether it was a new style or a set of techniques, there are three activities for parametric design process and five major steps. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of parametric design. there are a clear different between the traditional CAD and the BIM and the Parameters was also identified, then explain the Louvre project in Abu Dhabi. the research tries to solve the above problems by clarifying the nature of parametric design, and identifying the main advantages and disadvantages of parametric design, and what elements make parametric design different from traditional CAD, finally highlighting the steps of the formal parametric design and the role of the designer in this process