Department Home Page

Department Details
Branch: Engineering
Department: Architecture Engineering Department
Location: G Building
Introduction To The Department


The architecture department aims to provide the students with the basic academic knowledge and adequate training to enable them to become certified Architects.

The program is organized around courses in architecture design and urban planning, architecture theories and history, and architectural sciences and technology.

The program also offers elective courses on environmental, and other related fields courses in design involve the student in a series of design case studies, from the actual situation of the surrounding environment. Science, technology & design courses utilize field trips, hands-on experience, and lectures

The department is fully equipped with design studios, a computer lab, and an architectural library.

Mission of  Architecture Program
Preparing a distinguished graduate who is able to analyze and create good innovations   in the labor market and who is able to keep pace with the scientific research facing society.

Program Objectives

1-Graduate qualified architects from both theoretical and operational perspectives including marketing in the surrounding area, neighboring government.
2-Awareness of the graduate engineer with all the specialized knowledge bases, the acquisition of the basic process that qualifies him to compete with the requirements of the market and its development.
3-The ability to think creatively in solving any work problems.

4-The program included training programs for each study group as necessary to prepare and qualify graduates for professional practice.

Organizational Chart

Guidance tables 2023-2024

Subject Tree

Architecture Program Competencies

Graduate Attributes & Job Career

Scientific conference


Student activities and scientific trips:

1-Student activities

2-scientific trips


students guide 2023-2024


Steps to create an account for students on the Knowledge Bank


Steps to create account on AUTODESK 


Requirements for admission to the architecture program:

Preparatory year students are required to pass an aptitude test before joining the Department of Architecture.

1-Announcement of workshops

2- Aptitude test announcement

Booklet for faculty members


Department Staff
Click member's name to visit his/her home page and on the thumbnail to enlarge.